Unforgiven Book Review

Unforgiven by the gifted author Shelley Shepard Gray is a Contemporary Amish Mystery Romance. This three-hundred-and-four-page paperback has an intriguing cover that begs readers to look inside. It is a nail-biting suspense that had me on the edge of my seat at times.

Set in Crittenden County, Kentucky, this is the tale of Amish outcasts, Tabitha Yoder and Seth Zimmerman. Two years ago Tabitha divorced her abusive husband, who has threatened to kill her. Three years ago Seth served time for being involved in an accidental death. Both of them are still searching for forgiveness and love. I loved how their relationship developed.

Author Gray never disappoints and this book is no exception. Characters are www crafted with depth. They are believable and either lovable or despicable. The author’s vast knowledge of the Amish people and their culture shines brightly as well as the Christian message of faith, forgiveness, hope, and love. The book starts out a wee bit slow, but that is just a few pages, and then it picks up to a page turning pace. The storyline is completely different than any other Amish book I have ever read. It was heart-warming, wwwqwqqwqwqwq, intriguing, and mysterious. There are some twists and turns to keep readers guessing. After the story the author has included a sneak peek at her next book and author notes. Be sure to read the notes to better understand why she wrote the story and more about it.

I highly recommend this fascinating novel. It gave me all kinds of feels and emotions. Amish and mystery fans will adore it. I give it a 5 out of 5 star rating. A copy was provided by the publisher, but these are my honest words.

From the Back Cover

They’re each other’s best hope for redemption–and love

Ex-con Seth Zimmerman has spent the last three years making amends by helping the vulnerable in his former Amish community. Lately, this mission includes calling on Tabitha Yoder, whose divorce from her abusive husband has isolated her from the community. Even though she never comes out of her house to talk to him, Seth knows she watches him from the window while he chops wood, clears her driveway, and drops off food. 

An uneasy friendship is just starting to take hold between them when small gifts begin to appear at Tabitha’s home–gifts that can only be from her ex-husband. Seth might be Tabitha’s only hope at maintaining her hard-won freedom from the man whose violent outbursts had almost cost her life. But coming to her rescue might mean he ends up behind bars once again. 

This book can be found at https://amzn.to/3V71L1a

About the Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a NYT and USA Today bestselling author. She’s published over a hundred novels and has over a million books in print. She currently lives in northern Ohio and writes full time.

Shelley lives just an hour from Holmes County, where many of her Amish-themed novels are set. She currently writes contemporary romance and Amish fiction for a variety of publishers. When not spending time with her family or writing, she can usually be found walking her two dachshunds on one of the many trails in the Cleveland area.

She also bakes a lot, loves coconut cream pie, and will hardly ever pull weeds, mow the yard, or drive in the snow.

Shelley also spends a lot of time on line! Please visit her website, http://www.shelleyshepardgray.com to find out her latest news or to sign up for her newsletter. Shelley can also be found on FaceBook, Instagram @shelley.s.gray, or on Twitter @ShelleySGray.

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