Thank you for visiting my blog!  My name is Nyla Kay Wilkerson.  I am a child of the King, woman of Faith, and fighter for Christ.  I am Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess and do my fighting through prayer.

I have been married to my other half, Dennis, since 1988.  We have two totally awesome Christian children, a son, Jason, and daughter, Vanessa.  They have blessed us with a loving daughter-in-law, Laura, and equally loving son-in-law, Robert.  Between them we are so fortunate to have four amazing grandchildren.  Twin girls and two boys. God is good!

Being raised in a Christian home, I thought that was the normal for everyone.  Boy was I wrong.  My loving parents, Mary Lou and Don, partnered with me in a Christian Bookstore for ten years.  Oh the stories we have and the blessings from that little store.   I am now retired but have written a cookbook. Currently I am in the process of writing a devotional and then a fiction book. You can take the gal out of the bookstore, but she still has a lot of books left in her.

I am an independent Pampered Chef consultant and absolutely love it!  The products, recipes, and friendships have made my life happier and blessed.  I started in August 2017.  It was an excellent decision.

In my blog you will read prayers, praises, things that happen in daily life, recipes, Christian book reviews, and a bit of Pampered Chef goodness.

Please know that if you leave a prayer request, I will pray for it.  It will not be ignored.  So come on, take my hand and let’s pray.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matt. 18:20